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  • Podcast

    June 1, 2022
    Quantum computing via cloud access feels global, but there are reasons to have these machines located in a particular region. Oxford Quantum Circuits released a quantum computer named Lucy on Amazon Braket that not only helps customers with regulatory concerns, but also brings an exciting new type of transmon technology to the industry. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat on the coaxmon…
  • Podcast

    December 11, 2023
    Jenny Wong, a managing director at Protiviti, engages in a conversation with Debra Au, a managing director and head of legal, compliance and secretariat, Hong Kong and China, at DBS Bank Hong Kong.Watch the video podcast as Jenny and Debra delve into the regulatory compliance challenges confronting financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. They discuss the adoption of compliance…
  • Newsletter

    June 7, 2023
    The big picture: Innovative culture, speed to market, customer focus and organisational agility are mainstays in boardroom conversations about innovation. However, these discussions should also address technological roadblocks to realising innovation initiatives.
  • Survey

    July 10, 2023
    The 19th volume of Protiviti’s Internal Auditing Around the World® builds on a theme we explored in-depth earlier this year in our 2023 Next-Generation Internal Audit Survey — internal audit relevance.
  • Podcast

    May 6, 2021
    A global pandemic which continues to affect different organisations in different ways around the world. The growing number of stakeholders in an organisation with an internal audit needs to partner.
  • Newsletter

    April 15, 2022
    Every company is a technology company today. With business and technology inextricably intertwined, directors need to possess sufficient knowledge of technology issues to execute their duty of care responsibilities. Research indicates there is a financial performance payback from a technology-savvy board. An analysis of the boards of U.S.-listed companies determined that companies with boards of…
  • Newsletter

    April 13, 2023
    As a term in business, “agile” is typically used to refer to a project management methodology, especially for software development. But there is a different, more strategic connotation of agility that merits close attention by boards as markets evolve.
  • Newsletter

    August 10, 2023
    With technology clearly a material driver of change, boards of larger companies are trending toward a more strategic focus on technology. Should your board be a part of that trend?Why it matters: The board community has been acknowledging the speed of disruptive innovation, largely driven by emerging technologies.Yes, but: There are also considerations pertaining to speed-to-market, technical…
  • Newsletter

    October 18, 2021
    Informed organisations in all industries are establishing carbon emissions reduction and net-zero carbon emissions targets. Directors’ conversations on strategy have an important role in businesses’ energy transformations. Energy consumption is a priority. The introduction of renewables continues as costs decline. The percentage of electricity consumed through non-fossil fuel sources — solar,…
  • Whitepaper

    May 30, 2023
    Servicers in lending organizations are challenged with navigating economic headwinds that are pushing delinquency- and default-rate projections higher. This task has been complicated by increased global regulatory focus and dynamic customer expectations, which are further providing impetus for servicers to reassess existing strategies and processes from a compliance perspective while continuing…